Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome to Darren's Dining - a taste of what's coming

Dear foodies everywhere,

I'm starting this blog as a call to all to share those moments in their lives when they received or created not just nutrition but something memorable to adopt as a habit and feel compelled to share those revelations with others.

I'm based in the Bay Area but I spent most of my life in London, eventually witnessing an unprecedented restaurant revolution; two decades of epicurean entrepreneurship transformed eating out in that city into a thing of endless celebration and choice.

Thankfully, Northern California has a similar array of eateries, supported by a majority of suppliers who try to do the right thing, engendering a diverse and intrepid cooking culture.

I've been fortunate enough to travel extensively and eat at many of the greatest restaurants in the world. I have an immense respect for the chefs who create such art and excitement for others. My taste range is very broad and I err towards leaving politics off the plate, though I'm always supportive of ethical ways of gaining nutrition. With this in mind, I'll be posting two to three times a week and asking everyone to share their views and contribute.

I appreciate that everybody does not buy organic or 'USDA Prime' all the time. However, one of my passions is increasing awareness that sound nutrition supports better mental and physical health.

Please enjoy the content and spread the word!




  1. Love the mouth-watering photos. Makes me want to make a sandwich!

  2. Great Blog, really interesting and mouth-watering use of the those special ingredients with a good serving of "Passion".
    Question "What do you think of Surf & Turf menus?"
    My theory is enjoy your Tiger Shrimps with dressing first , as a starter.Do not allow them to be dumped on top of your filet steak and compromise the true enjoyment of best quality steak in its own juices.
    Why do they do it? It a good way of charging you 50% more than the price of your steak, for the addition of a few "Tigers"

  3. Thank you for elevating the fine art of sandwich making! I will try your tuna salad recipe..but would add that i believe the oil packed tuna is so much tastier...and perhaps will not require as much mayo. Good point on the tomatoes. I never put them or pickles next to the bread.Often will place them in between the cheese and meat. Nothing worse than a soggy sandwich. Also, I am a bit of an iceberg snob too...but must admit when it is shredded on a good deli the texture, color and crunch.

  4. Tried sandwich. Great taste with unique taste that makes one want more. Thanks and I look forward to more. What breads did you use in your catering business?

  5. happy to learn of your new blog.

  6. Thanks for the feedback everybody. In answer to your questions, I'm not a huge fan of surf and turf, i think either meat or seafood can find better homes in a great recipe.

    Perhaps you could send me a surf n' turf recipe that would fully convert me!

    Linda, completely agree about tomato between the meat and the cheese.

    At my deli, I used focaccia, ciabatta, granary, crusty farmhouse bloomer and onion/smooth bagels.
